Our Identity in Christ

Trinity is a local congregation of Jesus Christ’s church, a family of sinners saved by grace, the redeemed people of God called together by His word and united to Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit. Secure in the work of Christ, we are citizens of His heavenly kingdom, called to live by faith, to walk in love, and to rejoice always in the hope of the gospel.

We believe and confess the historic Christian faith revealed in the Bible, the inspired, inerrant, and authoritative Word of God—a faith passed down in the ancient creeds and renewed in the Protestant Reformation. We are a member of the Presbyterian Church in America, an evangelical and Reformed denomination committed to the Bible, the gospel of grace, and the Great Commission. The Westminster Standards contain a summary of our theological convictions—to which our pastors, ruling elders, and deacons subscribe.

God’s Mission & Our Calling

God is at work in and through His church to gather His people and grow them to maturity in Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit, that they might know God’s love as they love God, neighbor, and one another, all to the glory of God.

Even as this mission is fundamentally the work of the Triune God, He delights to use His church to minister as His instrument of grace. Therefore, in obedience to Him and reliance upon His Spirit, we dedicate ourselves to the ministries to which He has called us:

  1. Prayer – coming always to our Heavenly Father with adoration, confession, supplication, and thanksgiving, in humble dependence upon Him

  1. Proclamation & Participation – declaring the whole counsel of God, as we proclaim Christ and His kingdom, testify to the reality of sin and judgment, and announce the free offer of the gospel of grace—both to the gathered church and to our neighbors; and celebrating Christ’s sacraments of baptism and the Lord’s Supper in union with our risen and ascended Lord

  1. Praise – worshiping the Triune God in our public and private worship with psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs; and offering our whole lives to Him as a living sacrifice of praise

  1. People – welcoming outsiders with the hospitality and love of Jesus Christ, gathering for fellowship as the family of God across all cultural divisions, and supporting covenant families in the Christian nurture of their children

  1. Provision – caring for the needs of one another and our neighbors in love, as we serve the least of these and seek the welfare of our earthly city

  1. Practice – making disciples in the way of repentance, faith, and godliness, as we provide opportunities and encouragement to steward Spiritual gifts and bear Spiritual fruit, both within the church and in all our vocations

  1. Partnership – partnering with faithful churches and ministries, and mobilizing pastors, missionaries, and lay people—all for the advancement of Christ’s mission in Charlottesville and the world